Marine litter is a major concern for the health of our oceans and our planet.
Even though the problem is being addressed by several actors globally, information collected about marine litter is sparse, not consistent in format or not suitable for remote sensing studies, making its use for research purposes very limited.
Based on an international cooperation effort, Ocean Scan is the first inclusive, global, labeled database to integrate in-situ observations of marine litter with matching imagery from satellite missions.

Ocean Scan is the first global database to integrate in the same place in-situ observations and matching remote sensing data, providing access to an unprecedented collection of datasets from Earth and from space. Ocean Scan enables data validation for remote sensing researchers and accurate campaign planning.

Whether you are working in remote sensing for marine litter detection or in in-situ collection campaigns, you can find in Ocean Scan the reliable and extensive information you need.
Find the exact geo-location, the time stamp, the size, the shape of patches and much more data that will help you in optimizing campaign planning or performing your research.
Accessible though a web portal and a mobile application or via API, Ocean Scan is designed to collect or access data in a seamless, intuitive way.
We are here to make your work easier!

Ocean Scan is deeply integrated with Zenodo, an open data repository funded in 2013 by CERN researchers, under the OpenAIRE project.
The Zenodo integration is designed to help you gain recognition and credit, while keeping full ownership on the data.
When you upload data in Ocean Scan, you can decide whether you want to openly share your complete dataset or just its metadata. Ocean Scan will also provide you with a DOI if you don’t already have one.

Ocean Scan was born to promote and support long-term collaboration among marine litter and remote sensing researchers across the world. Thus, it is designed to facilitate global cooperation while ensuring recognition to each contributor.
Ocean Scan makes sure to protect the rights of partners who have invested significant resources to collect data, while promoting their work, encourage citations, discussions, consent, and co-authorship contributions.

Are you interested in knowing more about marine litter? Would you like to contribute with your data?
Lobelia is highly active in this research field and it is part of the IOCCG Task Force for Remote Sensing of Marine Litter and Debris.
Visit our section Ocean or contact us to know more.